If your company is shifting from factoring to a line of credit, or if you are not ready for factoring just yet, we can offer a traditional line of credit if your business has been operating for at least 2 years, meets the required financing requirements, and is secured with your company's assets, including receivables, equipment inventory, and/or commercial real estate Our line of credit options are available to a wide range of industries for: Refinancing Debt Restructuring Working Capital Acquisitions Expansion / Growth Reorganization Meeting Expenses Leveraged Buyouts LEDGERED LINE OF CREDIT We also offer a ledgered line of credit based on your receivables. A ledgered line of credit offers the advantages of a traditional bank line except for the choking restrictions that can hinder a company's growth should a financial covenant is not met during a review of the latest financials or an audit. A ledgered line of credit has no such restrictions.