Factoring Portfolios
We buy factoring portfolios
1 (800) 317-4933
We buy factoring portfolios. Suppose your financial institution is interested in selling its factoring portfolios. In that case, you should know that our investment group along with its affiliate team is actively pursuing the purchase of factoring portfolios from banks, factoring companies, and asset-based lenders throughout all fifty states.
Typically we look for accounts receivable factoring portfolios ranging from $2 million to $15 minimum but can consider transactions outside that range.
Our specialized acquisition team performs its due diligence in a noninvasive and timely manner, ensuring a rapid response from its final investment committee.
We look to continue and further develop relationships through portfolio acquisitions as opposed to creating a single-purpose fund requiring deep discounts.
For more information, please email us a summary with the following information:
- Description of portfolio (industries covered)
- Size of portfolio
- Coupon and Maturity
- Performing/non-performing or both
- Seasoned period
- Any other relevant information
- Attach a spreadsheet if available
A member of our portfolio team will get back to you as soon as possible.
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